Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Simul-Search + ... Plussed!

Simul-Search + 1.1.0 update is now live! (it was released yesterday) This update is a big improvement to the previous user experience. Although it takes slightly longer to switch between the different search sites and their results, the improvement in speed and reliability vastly outweighs the small time difference in loading a search's results. Now that the very core functionality has been perfected and made truly reliable, it is now possible for me to add additional features without worrying about making the app more unstable. All in all, version 1.1.0 is a big milestone for this particular app. I hope you enjoy the smoother user experience!

Stay tuned for updates on all things Hanley Solid Solutions!

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

New In-App Purchase coming to Prismium in version 1.1.1

Prismium will be getting another In-App Purchase option in its next update, version 1.1.1. The new IAP is called Plant Power and contains 20 kaleidoscopic images of vibrant plant life, for only 99 cents! This update should be released sometime in the very near future, so stay tuned! I'll post again when it goes live on the App Store.

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Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Update on Simul-Search + status...

Just an update on where I'm at for Simul-Search +. The next update will not be version 1.0.4 like I had originally planned. Instead, it will be version 1.1.0. The reason for this change of plans is because the next update will substantially improve the reliability and speed of the app. It will also bring a completely redesigned user experience. This new user experience will be much less busy than the current method used, and is much more efficient and sensible. Stay tuned for when this update goes live, which should be a reality in the very near future.

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Friday, 17 February 2012

Your opinions!

If you enjoy using one of my apps, please speak up and leave a rating and a comment on the App Store. Even if you think something might be able to use some improvement, don't hesitate to voice your opinion.  On something like the App Store, ratings of any kind help me to gain a wider recognition and an expanded audience, which in turn leads to me releasing many more updates that add new features and improve existing ones. Thanks for reading!

Follow me on Twitter! -> @HanleySolidSlns

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Joining the cloud...

Cinematic Cheetah will soon be joining Tuneful Tiger in the cloud. Version 1.2.0 will be released very soon, and adds iCloud synchronization between multiple devices and multiple instances of Cinematic Cheetah. It will also be receiving an entry in the system settings app, as well as a new icon image. Look for this to go live in the near future. I'll post again when it does! Stay tuned as always for all the latest updates from Hanley Solid Solutions!

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