Friday, 1 July 2011

Cinematic Cheetah Now Live!

Another Big Cat joins Tuneful Tiger in the Hanley Solid Solutions lineup. What is it's hunting specialty? Movies that you want to see of course! Much like Tuneful Tiger, there are 20 sections for storing the information of 20 unique movies. Once all the information is filled in, you can then become like a cheetah and bring a group into the chase. You can do this by either Email or SMS (supported devices), and you are given the option to either ask a friend if they already have the movie you're looking for, or to invite a friend to see the movie in theaters with you. Cinematic Cheetah is the most useful movie wish list app on the App Store. With the SMS capabilities, you can do more than to just record a movie you want to see. You can share an experience with friends while you catch up on classic movies you've yet to see, and modern blockbusters you look forward to seeing. Cinematic Cheetah is quite a cat!

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