Thursday, 8 December 2011

New App In Progress! (Codename: tundra)

I've been working on an exciting new app for students. I won't reveal it just yet, but I'll give you a clue as to what it relates to. Let's just say that textbooks are a large, sometimes unaccounted for expense to today's modern student. Many books are ridiculously overpriced, and then once you are done with them, you have to figure out how you are going to get rid of them, while trying to recuperate some of the cost. It doesn't help matters that most university run book stores take a large cut when you sell through them. What if there was an easier way to spread the word about books you have for sale to other fellow students who would be willing to pay a cheaper price for books they need to do well in school? I'll leave it at that!

Stay tuned for more updates on this upcoming project from Hanley Solid Solutions!

Follow me on Twitter for even more frequent updates: Twitter Username -> HanleySolidSlns

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