Monday, 28 January 2013

TravelXpensr for Mac!

Unlike what I said in my previous post (about the next post being about the first promo video), this post is about my newest Mac app I have been working on...

I can finally reveal... TravelXpensr for Mac!

I'm very excited about this application. Just like the amazing version of TravelXpensr for iOS, this application allows you to not only keep track of travel expenses, but travel experiences as well. With an easy to use, intuitive design, TravelXpensr further extends your Mac's usability as a travel companion. And even if your Mac is not portable, it still helps to take the guess work out trying to keep track of expenses for any type of trip, be it a full on family vacation or just a day trip.

The best features of TravelXpensr? First off, it was built from the ground up to take advantage of the sharing features in OS X Mountain Lion. With minimal effort, you can email a log's data to friends or family, or if you choose, you can send the data in an iMessage.

Secondly, TravelXpensr has the ability to store an unlimited number of logs persistently - you are only limited by the size of your Mac's hard drive.

TravelXpensr - Track much more than expenses... Track the memories as well!

P.S. TravelXpensr in combination with TravelSpeakr makes for the perfect Traveller's toolbox duo!

Thanks for reading! Be sure to check out TravelXpensr on the Mac App Store!

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